

  1. vilja

  2. sato, elo, laiho, vuodentulo

  3. ratsupiiska, piiska, raippa

  4. (anatomia) linnun kupu



kasvi, tuotanto, sato, kupu, mahalaukku, maha, masu, kokoelma, kokouma, kasauma, assemblaasi, yhdistelmä, uusi joukko, viljelykasvi, satokasvi, viljelyskasvi, viljasato, myytävä sato.

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crop rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bebop, hiphop, shop, workshop, hiiop, kop, pop, top, tiptop, stop...

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Englannin sanakirja

crop (englanti > suomi)

  1. viljelykasvi, viljelyskasvi, satokasvi

  2. sato

  3. ryöppy

  4. piiska, ratsupiiska, raippa

  5. kallio

  6. siilitukka, siili

  7. kupu

  8. leikata, typistää

  9. rajata

crop englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A plant, especially a cereal, grown to be harvested as food, livestock fodder{{, or fuel or for any other economic purpose.

  2. The natural production for a specific year, particularly of plants.

  3. A group, cluster or collection of things occurring at the same time.

  4. a crop of ideas

  5. The lashing end of a whip

  6. An entire short whip, especially as used in horse-riding; a riding crop.

  7. A rocky outcrop.

  8. The act of Verb cropping.

  9. A short haircut.

  10. puhekieltä A pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some birds (and some other animals), used to store food before digestion, or for regurgitation; a craw.

  11. XIX c., George MacDonald, The Early Bird:

  12. A little bird sat on the edge of her nest;
    Her yellow-beaks slept as sound as tops;
    Day-long she had worked almost without rest,
    And had filled every one of their gibbous crops;
  13. 1892, w:Arthur Conan Doyle|Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle", 2005 Norton edition, page 221:

  14. The bird gave a gulp, and I felt the stone pass along its gullet and down into its crop.
  15. 2015, (w), Vultures Are Revolting. Here’s Why We Need to Save Them., National Geographic (December 2015)

  16. As the wildebeest shrinks, the circle of sated birds lounging in the short grass expands. With bulging crops, the vultures settle their heads atop folded wings and slide their nictitating membranes shut.
  17. puhekieltä The foliate part of a finial.

  18. puhekieltä The head of a flower, especially when picked; an ear of corn; the top branches of a tree.

  19. puhekieltä Tin ore prepared for smelting.

  20. puhekieltä Outcrop of a vein or seam at the surface.

  21. (rfquotek)

  22. puhekieltä To remove the top end of something, especially a plant.

  23. Bible, Ezekiel xvii. 22

  24. I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one.
  25. puhekieltä To cut (especially hair or an animal's tail or ears) short.

  26. puhekieltä To remove the outer parts of a photograph or image in order to frame the subject better.

  27. puhekieltä To yield harvest.

  28. puhekieltä To cause to bear a crop.

  29. to crop a field
