

  1. en-monikko|c|ricket

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crickets rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

crickets englanniksi

  1. (monikko) cricket|lang=en.

  2. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition): absolute silence; no communication.

  3. (ux)

  4. (quote-book)|year=2007|isbn=978-0-7679-2478-8|passage="We have one exclusive one block from Bee on Fifth and Seventy-third. Prewar. White-glove. Top-notch." His Queen's English posh London accent made it sound extra-fabulous. (..) / "Do you maybe have any listings that are less? Like ... four million less?" I asked, semi-blushing. / "Four million or less? Sure!" / "No, no, no," I said. "Not four million or less. Four million less than five point three million, i.e., something in the one-to-one-and-a-half range." / "Oh." / Crickets.

  5. (quote-journal), 15 September 2015, page 7|url=|work=(w)|date=14 September 2015|passage=Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democratic state senator, said she feared that the commissions findings would be announced with great fanfare, "but then we're just going to hear crickets, crickets, crickets."

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (non-gloss definition)

  8. (quote-book)|year=1859|page=39|pageurl=|oclc=79622064|passage=(smallcaps). You have more money, Betsy, than you will know how to spend; all your own. / (smallcaps). Oh, gracious! Won't I have as much dinner as I can eat every day! / (smallcaps). Yes, my love, you can have everything you wish for. / (smallcaps). Oh, crickets!

  9. 1902, (w), “The Fable of the Long-range Lover, the Lollypaloozer, and the Line of Talk”, in The Girl Proposition. A Bunch of He and She Fables, New York, N.Y.: R. H. Russell, w:OCLC OCLC 776243245; republished Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Literature House, 1969, w:OCLC OCLC 695700303, page 9:

  10. "Oh Crickets! I seen you at the The-ayter one Night," she said. "I was there with Ollie Pozozzle of Minneapolis. Me and him come out just behind you.(nb..)"
  11. (quote-book)

  12. (sv-noun-form-indef-gen)
