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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cribbage englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A point-counting card game for two players, with variants for three or four players; the cribbage board used for scoring to 61 or 121 points in numerous small increments is characteristic.

  2. 1918, w:Katherine Mansfield|Katherine Mansfield, Prelude, Selected Stories, Oxford World's Classics paperback 2002, page 114

  3. How much more real this dream was than that they should go back to the house where the sleeping children lay and where Stanley and Beryl played cribbage.
  4. 1919, w:Ronald Firbank|Ronald Firbank, w:Valmouth Valmouth, Duckworth, hardback edition, page 31

  5. "No one remembers cribbage now," (..)
  6. A variety of pocket billiards that, like the card game, awards points for pairs that total 15. A player who pockets a ball of a particular number must then immediately pocket the companion ball that brings the number to 15.

  7. A point scored in this variety of pocket billiards.
