

  1. neuvot, neuvonta

  2. (etenkin lakiasioissa) neuvonpito, neuvottelu

  3. ansioituneen juristin arvonimi brittiläisessä kansainyhteisössä


I dont need your counsel.

the Queens/King's Counsel

Liittyvät sanat: counsellor, counselor



suunnitelma, ohjeet, viesti, sisältö, asiasisältö, ydin, substanssi, sanoma, opastus, neuvominen, neuvonta, ohjaus, ammatinvalinnanohjaus, johtotähti, geneettinen neuvonta.

Rimmaavat sanat

counsel rimmaa näiden kanssa:

diesel, mosel...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

counsel (englanti > suomi)

  1. neuvottelu, neuvonpito

  2. neuvo|alt=neuvot|p

  3. lakimies

  4. neuvoa, antaa neuvoja">antaa neuvoja

  5. suositella

counsel englanniksi

  1. The exchange of opinions and advice especially in legal issues; consultation.

  2. Bible, Matthew xxvii. 1

  3. All the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus, to put him to death.
  4. Exercise of judgment; prudence.

  5. Hooker

  6. They all confess, therefore, in the working of that first cause, that counsel is used.
  7. Advice; guidance.

  8. Shakespeare

  9. I like thy counsel; well hast thou advised.
  10. Tennyson

  11. It was ill counsel had misled the girl.
  12. Deliberate purpose; design; intent; scheme; plan.

  13. Bible, Psalms xxxiii. 11

  14. The counsel of the Lord standeth forever.
  15. Bible, Proverbs xii. 5

  16. The counsels of the wicked are deceit.
  17. puhekieltä A secret opinion or purpose; a private matter.

  18. Gower

  19. thilke lord (..) to whom no counsel may be hid
  20. A lawyer, as in Queen's Counsel (QC).

  21. To give advice, especially professional advice.

  22. The lawyer counselled his client to remain silent.

    Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other mental health professionals counsel clients.

  23. To recommend
