



Rimmaavat sanat

corium rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

corium englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The inner layer of skin, the dermis.

  2. puhekieltä The deep layer of mucous membranes beneath the epithelium.

  3. puhekieltä armour Armour made of leather, particularly that used by the Romans.

  4. 1825, Thomas Dudley Fosbroke, Encyclopaedia of antiquities, and elements of archaeology, classical and mediæval

  5. Passing by the Corium Bubulum of the Classical Ancients, we see in an old charter, dated 1036, "Stallus Sutoris Vaccæ," i. e. the stall of a shoe-maker who used cow-skin.
  6. puhekieltä The lavalike material produced in a nuclear meltdown.

  7. (cite-book)

  8. 2009, Wei Wei and Xin-rong Cao, "The Simulation of Corium Dispersion in Direct Containment Heating Accidents", Zero Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009.

  9. 2011, C. Journeau and M. Ficsher, Nuclear Safety in Light Water Reactors: Severe Accident Phenomenology, page 569:

  10. As a result, dedicated core catchers have been designed that can gather the corium and cool it safely.
  11. skin; hide

  12. leather belt, whip

  13. crust, coat, peel, shell

  14. upper layer
