

  1. kokoontuminen; (puolue- tms.) kokous, konventti

  2. käytäntö, tapa, konventio, sovinnaisuus

  3. sopimus (kansainvälisessä politiikassa)


the Democratic National 'Convention', the Republican National 'Convention'

Jehovahs Witnesses hold 'conventions' annually.

The eatery tried to ape the 'conventions' of fine restaurants.

She was an upholder of 'convention' and correct form in everything.

The Geneva 'Conventions'Geneven 'sopimukset'

Liittyvät sanat: convention center



kokoontuminen, tapa, tottumus, normaali, sääntö, kaava, konventio, käytäntö, tavat, käytännesäännöt, käytössäännöt, universaali.

Rimmaavat sanat

convention rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

convention (englanti > suomi)

  1. kokoontuminen, kokous

  2. edustajakokous

  3. sopimus

  4. käytäntö, konventio

convention englanniksi

  1. A meeting or gathering.

  2. The convention was held in Geneva.

  3. {{quote-journal

  4. A formal deliberative assembly of mandated delegates.

  5. ''The EU installed an inter-institutional Convention to draft a European constitution

  6. The convening of a formal meeting.

  7. A formal agreement, contract or pact.

  8. puhekieltä A treaty or supplement to such.

  9. ''The Vienna convention at the Vienna Congress (1814-15) standardized most of diplomatic conduct for generations

  10. A practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction; a custom.

  11. (quote-book)

  12. In order to account for this, we might propose to make the Prepositional Phrase an optional constituent of the Verb Phrase: this we could do by re-
    placing rule (28) (ii) by rule (40) below:
    (40)      VP → V AP (PP)
    (Note that a constituent in parentheses is, by convention, taken to be

    ''Table seatings are generally determined by tacit convention, not binding formal protocol

    The convention of driving on the right is reinforced by law.

  13. (l), agreement

  14. convention (formal meeting)

  15. (ux)

  16. convention (conventionally standardised choice)
