

  1. jatkuvuus



aktiviteetti, toiminta, jatkaminen, pidennys, venyttäminen, jatko, pidentäminen, toisto, toistaminen, kertaus, hellittämättömyys, peräänantamattomuus, sinnikkyys, juuttuminen, kestäminen.

Rimmaavat sanat

continuance rimmaa näiden kanssa:

freelance, trance...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

continuance englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The action of continuing.

  2. 1579, Immeritô pseudonym; (w), (w): Conteyning Tvvelue Æglogues Proportionable to the Twelue Monethes. Entitled to the Noble and Vertuous Gentleman most Worthy of all Titles both of Learning and Cheualrie M. (w), London: Printed by Hugh Singleton, dwelling in Creede Lane neere vnto (w) at the signe of the gylden Tunne, and are there to be solde, (w) 606515406; republished in w:Francis James Child|Francis James Child, editor, The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser: The Text Carefully Revised, and Illustrated with Notes, Original and Selected by Francis J. Child: Five Volumes in Three, volume III, Boston: w:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt|Houghton, Mifflin and Company; w:Riverside Publishing|The Riverside Press, w:Cambridge, Massachusetts|Cambridge, published 1855, (w) 793557671, page 406, lines 222–228:

  3. Now stands the Brere like a lord alone, / Puffed up with pryde and vaine pleasaunce. / But all this glee had no continuaunce: / For eftsones winter gan to approche; / The blustering Boreas did encroche, / And beate upon the solitarie Brere; / For nowe no succoure was seene him nere.
  4. 1924, (w), (w), London: Constable & Co., Chapter 16,

  5. (..) the interview's continuance already had attracted observation from some topmen aloft and other sailors in the waist or further forward.
  6. puhekieltä An order issued by a court granting a postponement of a legal proceeding for a set period.
