

  1. kutsua koolle



kokoontua, kerääntyä.

Rimmaavat sanat

congregate rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aate, olympia-aate, osuustoiminta-aate, periaate, toimintaperiaate, yleisperiaate, määräämisperiaate, toimitusperiaate, julkisuusperiaate, kansallisuusperiaate...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

congregate (englanti > suomi)

  1. kokoontua, kerääntyä

congregate englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä collective Collective; assembled; compact.

  2. 1605, (w), The Advancement of Learning, Book II, Chapter IX:

  3. With this reservation, therefore, we proceed to human philosophy or humanity, which hath two parts: the one considereth man segregate or distributively, the other congregate or in society; so as human philosophy is either simple and particular, or conjugate and civil.
  4. puhekieltä: To collect into an assembly or assemblage; to assemble; to bring into one place, or into a united body; to gather together; to mass; to compact.

  5. Hooker,

  6. Any multitude of Christian men congregated may be termed by the name of a church.
  7. Coleridge,

  8. Cold congregates all bodies.
  9. Milton,

  10. The great receptacle Of congregated waters he called Seas.

  11. puhekieltä: To come together; to assemble; to meet.

  12. w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare,

  13. Even there where merchants most do congregate.
  14. (inflection of)

  15. (feminine plural of)
