

  1. sarjakuva

  2. sarjakuvakirja

Englannin sanakirja

comics (englanti > suomi)

  1. sarjakuva

  2. sarjakuvakirja, sarjakuva-albumi

  3. sarjakuvasivu

comics englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä (monikko) comic|lang=en

  2. the medium of comic books, comic strips, and other sequential art

  3. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by w:Scott McCloud|McCloud, Scott (1993) p. 4

  4. bold in original "Comics" is the word worth defining, as it refers to the medium itself, not a specific object as "comic book" or "comic strip" do."
  5. Graphic Novels in Your Media Center: A Definitive Guide by Lyga, Allyson and Lyga, Barry. (June 30, 2004) p. 162, ISBN 1591581427

  6. bold in original The plural of comic is typically used as a singular (as "politics" is) to refer to the entire medium or industry. Hence, "comics industry" or "comics creators."
  7. comic strip
