

  1. liiallisen itsevarman oloisesti varma, tyhmänrohkea



itsevarma, vuorenvarma, yli-itsevarma, aivan varma.

Rimmaavat sanat

cocksure rimmaa näiden kanssa:

force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cocksure englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä too confident; overconfident

  2. I thought myself cocksure of the horse which he readily promised me. — Alexander Pope.

  3. 1906, John Galsworthy, s:The Man of Property|The Man of Property, s:The Man of Property/Preface|preface

  4. The persistence of the Past is one of those tragicomic blessings which each new age denies, coming cocksure on to the stage to mouth its claim to a perfect novelty.
  5. 1920, Sinclair Lewis, The Main Street, s:Main Street/Chapter 23|chapter 23

  6. These crack specialists, the young scientific fellows, they're so cocksure and so wrapped up in their laboratories that they miss the human element.
