

  1. koura (laboratorioväline)

  2. puristin (puusepänverstaassa)

  3. hakanen (mykologiassa)



penkkipuristin, C-puristin, puristin, kiristin, ruuvipuristin, kannatinlaite, putken kiinnitin, putkenkiinnitin.

Englannin sanakirja

clamp (englanti > suomi)

  1. puristin

  2. puristaa (yhteen)

  3. puristaa

clamp englanniksi

  1. A brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together.

  2. puhekieltä An instrument used to temporarily shut off blood vessels, etc.

  3. A mass of bricks heaped up to be burned; or of ore for roasting, or of coal coking.

  4. A piece of wood (batten) across the grain of a board end to keep it flat, as in a breadboard.

  5. A heavy footstep; a tramp.

  6. (Electronics) Electronic circuit to fix a voltage (see w:Clamper (electronics)|Wikipedia)

  7. puhekieltä To fasten in place or together with (or as if with) a clamp.

  8. 1897, (w), (w) Chapter 21

  9. As we burst into the room, the Count turned his face, and the hellish look that I had heard described seemed to leap into it. His eyes flamed red with devilish passion. The great nostrils of the white aquiline nose opened wide and quivered at the edge, and the white sharp teeth, behind the full lips of the blood dripping mouth, clamped together like those of a wild beast.
  10. puhekieltä To tread heavily or clumsily; to clump or clomp.

  11. Thackeray

  12. The policeman with clamping feet.
  13. puhekieltä To hold or grip tightly.

  14. puhekieltä To modify (a numeric value) so it lies within a specific range.

  15. 2016, Jason Zink, ‎Matt Pettineo, ‎Jack Hoxley, Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11 (page 253)

  16. After the depth range is clamped, the depth value is read from the depth stencil buffer, and the two values are compared with a selectable depth-comparison function (..)
  17. puhekieltä To cover (vegetables, etc.) with earth.
