

  1. sivistys, kulttuuri, sivilisaatio

  2. (ei monikkoa) sivistyneisyys


ancient civilisations muinaiset (korkea)kulttuurit

western civilisation läntinen kulttuuri



erinomaisuus, hienostuneisuus, sivistyneisyys, yhteiskunta, yhteisö, islam, muslimismi, sivilisaatio, sivistynyt yhteiskunta, kulttuuri.


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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

civilization (englanti > suomi)

  1. kulttuuri, sivilisaatio

  2. sivistys, sivistynyt yhteiskunta

  3. sivistää|alt=sivistäminen, sivistyä|alt=sivistyminen, sivilisaatio

  4. sivistyneiyys

civilization englanniksi

  1. An organized culture encompassing many community communities, often on the scale of a nation or a people; a stage or system of social, political{{, or technical development.

  2. the Aztec civilization

    Western civilization

    Modern civilization is a product of industrialization and globalization.

  3. puhekieltä Human society, particularly civil society.

  4. A hermit doesnt much care for civilization.''

    Im glad to be back in civilization after a day with that rowdy family.''

  5. The act or process of civilize civilizing or becoming civilize civilized.

  6. The teachers civilization of the child was no easy task.''

  7. The state or quality of being civilized.

  8. He was a man of great civilization.

  9. puhekieltä The act of rendering a criminal process civil.

  10. Collectively, those people of the world considered to have a high standard of behavior and / or a high level of development. Commonly subjectively used by people of one society to exclusively refer to their society, or their elite sub-group, or a few associated societies, implying all others, in time or geography or status, as something less than civilise civilised, as savage savages or barbarian barbarians. cf refinement, elitism, civilised society, the Civilised World
