

  1. choker-koru, panta, kaulanauha

Liittyvät sanat: choke



korkea kaulus, myllynkivikaulus, röyhelökaulus, lyhyt kaulanauha, kaulavitjat, moninkertainen lyhyt kaulanauha, kaulakääty, panta, kaulus, kauluri, kaulakoru, kaulanauha, epäonninen ihminen, kovaonninen ihminen, hermoraunio, kuristaja, murhaaja, surmaaja, tappaja.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

choker (englanti > suomi)

  1. panta

  2. kuristaja

choker englanniksi

  1. (senseid)A piece of jewelry or ornamental fabric, worn as a necklace, tight to the throat.

  2. 2010, Alice Fisher, The Observer, 24 Oct 2010:

  3. She appears on the 90th anniversary issue of French Vogue wearing nothing but a mask, gloves and a choker – everything but her now iconic gap-toothed pout and impressive cleavage is obscured.
  4. One who, or that which, chokes or strangles.

  5. One who operates the choke of an engine during ignition.

  6. puhekieltä Any disappointing or upsetting circumstance.

  7. I lost £100 on the horses today — what a choker!

  8. One who performs badly at an important part of a competition because they are nervous, especially when winning.
