


eläimen selkäranka, selkäranka, rachis, pala, lihaviipale, selkäliha, teurastaa, lahdata, leikata.

Rimmaavat sanat

chine rimmaa näiden kanssa:

päähine, intiaanipäähine, talvipäähine...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

chine (englanti > suomi)

  1. harja, harjanne

  2. selkäranka, ruoto

  3. palle

chine englanniksi

  1. The top of a ridge.

  2. The spine of an animal.

  3. Dryden

  4. And chine with rising bristles roughly spread.
  5. 1883: w:Robert Louis Stevenson|Robert Louis Stevenson, w:Treasure Island|Treasure Island

  6. (..) the captain aimed at the fugitive one last tremendous cut, which would certainly have split him to the chine had it not been intercepted by our big signboard (..)
  7. A piece of the backbone of an animal, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking.

  8. puhekieltä A sharp angle in the cross section of a hull.

  9. The edge or rim of a cask, etc., formed by the projecting ends of the staves; the chamfered end of a stave.

  10. puhekieltä To cut through the backbone of; to cut into chine pieces.

  11. To chamfer the ends of a stave and form the chine.

  12. puhekieltä A steep-sided ravine leading from the top of a cliff down to the sea.

  13. J. Ingelow

  14. The cottage in a chine.
  15. 1988, (w), (w), Penguin Books (1988), page 169

  16. In the odorous stillness of the day I thought of the tracks that threaded Egdon Heath, and of benign, elderly Sandbourne, with its chines and sheltered beach-huts.
  17. puhekieltä To crack, split, fissure, break. (defdate)

  18. (ux)

  19. Fisher (1503)

  20. After the erth be brent, chyned and chypped by the hete of the sonne.
  21. (inflection of)

  22. (lenition of)

  23. (feminine plural of)

  24. (monikko) china|lang=it
