


hankauma, hiertymä, aristavuus, hellyys, kipu, arkuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

chafing rimmaa näiden kanssa:

drag racing, icing, bodybuilding, sightseeing, stretching, desktop publishing, body stocking, smoking, quisling, happening...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

chafing englanniksi

  1. (present participle of)

  2. The act by which something is chafed.

  3. 1853, The Popular Educator: Volume 3 (page 325)

  4. The constant and irresistible pressure of such a ponderous mass in motion must occasion certain rubbings and chafings against the rugged bottoms and projecting sides of the rocks amid which they move.
