


paviaani, tsakma, karhupaviaani, Papio ursinus.

Rimmaavat sanat

chacma rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ma, laama, naama, kalpeanaama, pisamanaama, kovanaama, karvanaama, pallinaama, pokerinaama, hapannaama...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

chacma englanniksi

  1. A species of baboon from Southern Africa, (taxlink).

  2. 1908, H N Hutchinson, Charles John Cornish, The Standard Library of Natural History

  3. The chacmas live in companies in the kopjes, whence they descend to forage...
  4. 2006, Marty Essen, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet

  5. We sat quietly on the far side of the water as the chacmas treated us to a scene featuring a near-complete life cycle of activity.
