

  1. verilöyly (esim. taistelussa)


the carnage of the Korean War

Liittyvät sanat: bloodbath



murha, tappo, teloitus, teurastus, verilöyly, massamurha, verenvuodatus, lahtaaminen, joukkomurha, Alamo, Little Bighornin taistelu, Custerin viimeinen taistelu.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

carnage (englanti > suomi)

  1. verilöyly

carnage englanniksi

  1. Death and destruction.

  2. What remains after a massacre, e.g. the corpses or gore.

  3. puhekieltä Any chaotic situation.

  4. 2014, Simon Spence, Happy Mondays: Excess All Areas

  5. The lads had recently returned from a wild summer on the party island of Ibiza, an increasingly popular hotspot for working-class British youth. But this was not a scene of drunken holiday carnage in tacky discos.
  6. 2015, Adam Jones, Bomb: My Autobiography

  7. Within three hours we'd drunk the place dry. Miraculously, we all made it back on the bus, but I've never seen a more bacchanalian scene of wanton debauchery than the ride back to the hotel. It was total carnage.
  8. English carnage (all senses)

  9. a piece of meat used as bait
