

  1. kanootti



tuohikanootti, kanootti, intiaanikanootti, koverrettu kanootti, palkovene, pirogi, haapio, honkio, ruuhi, eskimokajakki, kajakki, pikkuvene.

Rimmaavat sanat

canoe rimmaa näiden kanssa:

oboe, koe, Papa-koe, HIV-koe, valintakoe, monivalintakoe, reaalikoe, kielikoe, tuulitunnelikoe, mallikoe...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

canoe (englanti > suomi)

  1. kanootti

  2. meloa, meloa kanootti|alt=kanootilla

canoe englanniksi

  1. A small long and narrow boat, propelled by one or more people (depending on the size of canoe), using single-bladed paddles. The paddlers face in the direction of travel, in either a seated position, or kneeling on the bottom of the boat. Canoes are open on top, and pointed at both ends.

  2. (RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

  3. He and Gerald usually challenged the rollers in a sponson canoe when Gerald was there for the weekend; or, when Lansing came down, the two took long swims seaward or cruised about in Gerald's dory, clad in their swimming-suits; and Selwyn's youth became renewed in a manner almost ridiculous,(nb..).
  4. puhekieltä An oversize, usually older, luxury car.

  5. To ride or paddle a canoe.

  6. (monikko) canoa|lang=it
