
Rimmaavat sanat

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

candlelit englanniksi

  1. lit Lit by a candle or candles.

  2. 1970, Wilfrido D. Nolledo, But for the Lovers, Dalkey Archive Press, Chapter 19, p. 165,

  3. (..) San Sebastian Church was desolate in the courtyard; emptier, lonelier inside with its pews stretched out like fallen pylons varnished by dolorous residue. From each candlelit nook stared in stony despair one after another saint, regal and rueful: proffering forgiveness, peace, a todo.
  4. 2004, (w), (w), Bloomsbury, 2005, Chapter 11 (i),

  5. He poured himself a full glass of wine, and passed the bottle along the candlelit table.
