

  1. känsä

  2. yhteys|kasvitiede|k=en haavakallus

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yönsilmä, arpi, kallus, uudisluu, kovettuminen, känsä, kovettuma, liikavarvas, clavus, kovettua.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

callus (englanti > suomi)

  1. känsä

callus englanniksi

  1. A hardened area of the skin (especially on the foot or hand) caused by repeated friction, wear or use.

  2. 2011,David Foster Wallace The Pale King, page 17:

  3. Sylvanshine had once been on a first date with a Xerox rep who had complex and slightly repulsive patterns of callus on her fingers from playing the banjo semi-professionally
  4. The material of repair in fractures of bone; a substance exuded at the site of fracture, which is at first soft or cartilaginous in consistency, but is ultimately converted into true bone and unites the fragments into a single piece.

  5. puhekieltä The new formation over the end of a cutting, before it puts out rootlets.

  6. puhekieltä To form such hardened tissue
