


Israel, Israelin valtio, Siion.

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Englannin sanakirja

c-command englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The relationship between a node in a parse tree and its sibling nodes (usually meaning the children of the first branching node that dominates the node) and all the sibling nodes' children.

  2. (quote-book)

  3.    Given the key assumption of Trace Theory that a moved constituent leaves behind a coindexed trace, we might formulate the relevant principle that transformations cannot downgrade constituents in terms of an equivalent condition that a moved constituent cannot occupy a lower position than any of its traces. This principle might be stated more formally as in (85) below
    (85)      A moved constituent must c-command ( = constituent-command)
    (85)      each of its traces at S-structure (X c-commands Y just in case the
    (85)      first branching node dominating X dominates Y, and neither X
    (85)      nor Y dominates the other)
  4. puhekieltä To dominate in a c-command relationship.
