

  1. jonkin tai jonkun vieressä, vierellä

  2. jonkin tai jonkun ohi, vieritse

  3. jonkin kautta

  4. johonkin mennessä

  5. (passiivilauseen agenttina) jonkun tai jonkin toimesta

  6. jollakin; jonkin avulla, jollakin keinolla

  7. jonkin mukaan

  8. jonkun mielestä, jonkun puolesta

  9. "kertaa"

  10. ilmaisee valon tai lämmön lähdettä; -lla, -ssa, äärellä, ääressä

  11. -lta/-ltä


Stand 'by' me.

'by' the roadside

The shop is hard 'by' the High Street. – Liike on aivan pääkadun tuntumassa.

She just walked right 'by' me. – Hän sen kuin käveli ohitseni (ei ollut huomaavinaankaan).

'by' God, 'by' Jove

I swear 'by' my mothers grave.

Be back 'by' eleven oclock.

It should be delivered 'by' next Wednesday.

Hamlet was written 'by' Shakespeare.

The plants were scorched 'by' the burning sun.

'by' bus, 'by' train, 'by' plane

What do you mean 'by' that?

They survived 'by' collecting rainwater.

Sort the books 'by' category. – Lajittele kirjat aihepiirin mukaan.

The fabric is sold 'by' the yard. – Kangasta myydään jaardeittain.

Billing is 'by' the minute.

'by' the shipload – laivalasteittain

He had been there 'by' his own admission. – Hän itse myönsi olleensa siellä.

'by' the inch – tuuma tuumalta, tuumittain

'by' the hour – tunnilta; tunti tunnilta

day 'by' day

Fine 'by' me. – Sopii minulle.

He said anything Id do was all right 'by' him.

Use two-'by'-fours. – Käytä kakkosnelosia.

'by' candlelight

'by' the campfire

'by' chance

'by' accident

Were supposed to call our teachers 'by' their last names.

Liittyvät sanat: byfolk

Liittyvät sanat: bygga, byrokraatti, byrokraattinen, byrokraattisesti, byrokraattistaa, byrokraattistua.


  1. bygaa: rakentaa

  2. Bygga: Työväentalo : Byggan jortsut meni multa ihan penkin alle.

  3. bygga : rakennus : Talvet oltii skoilessa ja kesät byggalla.

  4. byggaa: rakentaa : Siihe oli bygattu sellane kakskerroksine haussi.

  5. bygge: talo / rakennus

  6. bygot: housut

  7. Byija: Kyläsaari

  8. bykaa: valehdella

  9. bykat: housut

  10. bykka: rakennus

  11. bylsii: varastaa : Ton prätkän mä bylsin meidän klitsun käytävältä.

  12. bylsii: yhtyä sukupuolisesti : Mä bylsin sitä lyylii meidän veskissä.

  13. bylsii stydiks: hedelmöittää

  14. byroo: toimisto : Meidän byroo flyttas Hagikseen.

  15. bytinki: talo

  16. bytoni: nainen / tyttö

  17. bytsi: purkki

  18. bytskaa: vaihtaa : Toiha on ihan skeidana, sun kandee bytskaa se.

  19. bytskaa hiippakuntaa: kuolla

  20. bytta: pullo

  21. byygat: housut

  22. byylari: poliisi

  23. byylinki: poliisi

  24. byyrari: maalivahti : Onks Klubilla uus byyrari?

  25. byyri: maali (pelissä) : Klubin jätkät duunas heti kättelys kolme byyrii.

  26. byysat: housut : Sun pitäis panna pesuun noi sun mustat byysat.

  27. byysit: housut

  28. byyttaa: oksentaa : Broidi byyttas rabariin.

  29. byyttaa: vaihtaa

Rimmaavat sanat

by rimmaa näiden kanssa:

baby, hobby, lobby, rugby...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

by (englanti > suomi)

  1. vieressä

  2. mennessä

  3. not used

  4. genitive of the name of author

  5. adessive of the means

  6. mukaisesti, mukaan

  7. nominative + ablative (e.g. talo talolta "house by house")

  8. kautta

  9. ohi

by englanniksi

  1. near Near or next to.

  2. (ux)

  3. At some time before (the given time), or before the end of a given time interval.

  4. (non-gloss definition): Through the action or presence of.

  5. {{quote-journal|date=September 28, 2011|author=Jon Smith|work=BBC Sport

  6. (non-gloss definition): Existing through the authorship etc. of.

  7. (non-gloss definition): Through the action of, caused by, responsibility for; by dint of.

  8. 1874, (w), (w), 2005 Barnes & Noble Classics publication of 1912 Wessex edition, p.109:

  9. In other directions the fields and sky were so much of one colour by the snow that it was difficult in a hasty glance to tell whereabouts the horizon occurred(nb..).
  10. (non-gloss definition): Involving/using the means of.

  11. (RQ:Mrxl SqrsDghtr)

  12. "I don't want to spoil any comparison you are going to make," said Jim, "but I was at Winchester and New College." ¶ "That will do," said Mackenzie. "I was dragged up at the workhouse school till I was twelve. Then I ran away and sold papers in the streets, and anything else that I could pick up a few coppers by—except steal.(nb..)"
  13. (non-gloss definition): Medium emanating from hot sources.

  14. 1945, Neva L. Boyd, Handbook of Recreational Games, 1975 w:Dover Publications|Dover edition, ISBN 0486232042, p.16:

  15. Players: Can we get there by candlelight? ¶ Gatekeepers: Yes and back again.
  16. 1960, (w), (w)

  17. By the light of the moon, / by the light of a star / they walked all night
  18. (senseid)(non-gloss definition).

  19. (non-gloss definition): With a change of.

  20. (non-gloss definition)

  21. (non-gloss definition): According to.

  22. (non-gloss definition): With the authority of.

  23. Along a path which runs by the speaker.

  24. I watched as it passed by.

  25. In the vicinity, near.

  26. There was a shepherd close by.

    The shop is hard by the High Street.

  27. Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

  28. The helmsman steered with no end of a swagger while you were by; but if he lost sight of you, he became instantly the prey of an abject funk (..)
  29. To or at a place, as a residence or place of business.

  30. Ill stop by on my way home from work.''

    Were right near the lifeguard station. Come by before you leave.''

  31. Aside, away.

  32. The women spent much time after harvest putting jams by for winter and spring.

  33. Out of the way, subsidiary.

  34. puhekieltä A pass

  35. (alternative spelling of)

  36. (l)

  37. to

  38. by

  39. bee

  40. would

  41. town, city

  42. Name of the letter b.

  43. would (qualifier)

  44. be

  45. a town or city

  46. to bid; offer

  47. to ask; invite

  48. to command; order

  49. (always before a verb) a particle used to make conditional mood; would, should

  50. On by tam nie poszedł. = On nie poszedłby tam. — He would not go there.

  51. in order to, so that

  52. village

  53. puhekieltä farm

  54. gust, rush of wind

  55. near to

  56. in relation to
