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Englannin sanakirja

buffoonery (englanti > suomi)

  1. pelleily

buffoonery englanniksi

  1. foolishness, silliness; the behaviour expected of a buffoon.

  2. 1693: William Congreve, The Old Bachelor

  3. Araminta, come, I'll talk seriously to you now; could you but see with my eyes the buffoonery of one scene of address, a lover, set out with all his equipage and appurtenances; ...
  4. 1814: Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

  5. One could not expect anybody to take such a part. Nothing but buffoonery from beginning to end.
  6. before 1891: P.T. Barnum, quoted in The Life of Phineas T. Barnum http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/1576

  7. The Temperance Reform was too serious a matter for trifling jokes and buffooneries.
