

  1. nuppu

  2. silmu

  3. yhteys|mikrobiologia|k=en tytärsolu

  4. yhteys|slangia|k=en kannabis, kukka



kukka, kukinta, nuppu, ruusunnuppu, oras, silmu, lehden silmu.

Liittyvät sanat: buddhalainen, buddhalaisuus, buddhismi, budjetoida, budjetointi, budjetti.


  1. budi: hashis / kannabis-tuote

  2. budjaa: asua : Mä budjaan nykysin Pian kans Hagiksessa.

  3. budjetti: rahat : Noteeraaks sun budjetti viel yhdet?

  4. budju: asunto

  5. budju: puoti / kauppa

  6. budjukka: pieni kauppa

  7. buduaari: käymälä / toiletti : Täälhä döfää ku jossaki buduaarissa.


Rimmaavat sanat

bud rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

bud (englanti > suomi)

  1. silmu, nuppu (of a flower)

  2. kukka, budi

  3. kuroutuma

  4. kuroutua

bud englanniksi

  1. A newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded.

  2. After a long, cold winter, the trees finally began to produce buds.

  3. puhekieltä Potent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant (the bud), or marijuana generally.

  4. Hey bro, want to smoke some bud?

  5. A small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism.

  6. In this slide, you can see a yeast cell forming buds.

  7. A weaned calf in its first year, so called because the horns are then beginning to bud.

  8. To form buds.

  9. The trees are finally starting to bud.

  10. To reproduce by splitting off buds.

  11. Yeast reproduces by budding.

  12. To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn.

  13. To be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise.

  14. a budding virgin


  15. puhekieltä buddy Buddy, friend.

  16. I like to hang out with my buds on Saturday night.

  17. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)

  18. command

  19. message

  20. offer

  21. bid

  22. guess

  23. messenger, delivery man, errand boy

  24. (jbo-rafsi of)

  25. puhekieltä A bribe or reward.

  26. puhekieltä Must, had to.

  27. a message (also budskap)

  28. a commandment (as in the Ten Commandments; also budord), a rule that must be obeyed (also påbud)

  29. a bid, an offer

  30. a messenger (also budbärare, sändebud)

  31. someone who delivers packages or parcels (also budbil, cykelbud, paketbud)

  32. Buddhism
