

  1. yhteys|arkikieltä|k=en rahaton, auki, persaukinen

  2. ei enää puppy eikä started, vaan koulutustasoltaan edistyneempi (metsästyskoirasta, yleensä lintukoirasta)



köyhä, varaton, pennitön, auki, rahaton, persaukinen.


Rimmaavat sanat

broke rimmaa näiden kanssa:

varoke, putkivaroke, koroke, suojakoroke, puhujakoroke, keulakoroke, opettajankoroke, palkintokoroke, katukoroke, peräkoroke...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

broke (englanti > suomi)

  1. rahaton, auki slang, persaukinen somewhat vulgar

broke englanniksi

  1. (en-simple past of)

  2. puhekieltä (inflection of)

  3. 1999 October 3, J. Stewart Burns, "Mars University", Futurama, season 2, episode 2, Fox Broadcasting Company

  4. Guenther: I guess the hat must have broke my fall.
  5. puhekieltä lack Lacking money; bankrupt

  6. puhekieltä broken Broken.

  7. puhekieltä Demoted, deprived of a commission.

  8. He was broke and rendered unfit to serve His Majesty at sea.

  9. puhekieltä Paper or board that is discarded and repulped during the manufacturing process.

  10. 1880, James Dunbar, The Practical Papermaker: A Complete Guide to the Manufacture of Paper, page 12:

  11. If the broke accumulates, a larger proportion can be used in making coloured papers, otherwise the above quantity is sufiicient.
  12. 1914, The Worlds Paper Trade Review, Volume 62'', page 204:

  13. Presumably, most of the brokes and waste were used up in this manner, and during the manufacture of the coarse stuff little or no attention was paid to either cleanliness or colour.
  14. 2014 September 25, Judge Diane Wood, NCR Corp. v. George A. Whiting Paper Co.:

  15. These mills purchase broke from other paper mills through middlemen and use it to make paper.
  16. To broker; to transact business for another.

  17. (rfquotek)

  18. puhekieltä To act as procurer in love matters; to pimp.

  19. Fanshawe

  20. We do want a certain necessary woman to broke between them, Cupid said.
  21. Shakespeare

  22. And brokes with all that can in such a suit / Corrupt the tender honour of a maid.
