

  1. suitset

Liittyvät sanat: unbridled



rajoitus, hillintä, pidätin, suitset, päitset.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

bridle (englanti > suomi)

  1. suitset|p headstall, bit and reins; päitset|p headstall

  2. suitsia

  3. vastustaa

bridle englanniksi

  1. The headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins.

  2. 1961, J. A. Philip, "Mimesis in the Sophistês," Proceedings and Transactions of the American Philological Association 92, p. 457:

  3. (..) the horseman, who is the user of bridles and knows their use
  4. puhekieltä A restraint; a curb; a check.

  5. (rfquotek)

  6. A length of line or cable attached to two parts of something to spread the force of a pull, as the rigging on a kite for attaching line.

  7. A mooring hawser.

  8. A piece in the interior of a gunlock which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.

  9. puhekieltä To put a bridle on.

  10. Drake

  11. He bridled her mouth with a silkweed twist.
  12. puhekieltä To check, restrain, or control with, or as if with, a bridle; as in bridle your tongue.

  13. Burke

  14. Savoy and Nice, the keys of Italy, and the citadel in her hands to bridle Switzerland, are in that consolidation.
  15. puhekieltä To show hostility or resentment.

  16. Immigrant-rights and religious organizations bridled at the plan to favor highly skilled workers over relatives. (Houston Chronicle, 6/8/2007)
