

  1. mehiläispesä

  2. tupeeraus (korkea 1960-luvun hiusmalli)



mehiläispesä, astia, säiliö, kampaus, mehiläispesäkampaus, nuttura, tupeeraus, pesä.

Rimmaavat sanat

beehive rimmaa näiden kanssa:

taive, nilkkataive, polvitaive, kyynärtaive, nivustaive, viive, jive, live, toive, voitontoive...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

beehive (englanti > suomi)

  1. mehiläispesä, pesä

  2. mehiläispesä

  3. muurahaispesä

  4. tupeeraus

beehive englanniksi

  1. An enclosed structure in which some species of honey bees (genus Apis) live and raise their young.

  2. A man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey.

  3. puhekieltä Any place full of activity, or in which people are very busy.

  4. A women's hairstyle, popular in the 1960s, in which long hair is styled into a hive-shaped form on top of the head and usually held in place with lacquer.

  5. A particular style of hat.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. A type of anti-personnel ammunition round containing flechettes, and characterised by the buzzing sound made as they fly through the air.

  8. 2005, Martin Torgoff, Cant Find My Way Home'' (Simon & Schuster 2005, page 179)

  9. By the time it was over, Stone had been blown thirty feet through the air by a beehive round as he was running across a field, knocked out by the concussion of the blast.
  10. puhekieltä (alt form)

  11. {{quote-book|year=2004|author=Nicholas Tarling

  12. {{quote-book|year=2010|author=David Halpern|title=The Hidden Wealth of Nations|isbn=0745648029|page=216

  13. {{quote-book|year=1977|title=New Zealand Libraries - Volumes 40-42|isbn=0745648029|page=30

  14. puhekieltä In (w), a particular still life configuration with a rounded appearance.

  15. puhekieltä To fill (a place) with busy activity.

  16. 1958, T. S. Bawa, ‎Jawaharlal Nehru, Nehrus India: An Analytical Study'' (page 25)

  17. Quite naturally, if there are more ministers swarming the cabinet rooms and conference halls, then there will be a spate of civil servants beehiving the secretariat.
  18. 1989, Craig Foley, Blood Knot (page 59)

  19. The patrons beehiving the place whooped and shouted.
  20. 2012, Satish C. Bhatnagar, Epsilons and Deltas of Life: Everyday Stories (volume 1, page 16)

  21. This is not the first time that I learnt of a neighbor's death after a lapse of a few weeks. You just don't see people beehiving a home, like in India (..)
