

  1. en-v-taivm|b|each|ed

Rimmaavat sanat

beached rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

beached englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Having a beach.

  2. c. 1607, (w), (w), Act V, Scene 1,

  3. Come not to me again: but say to Athens,
    Timon hath made his everlasting mansion
    Upon the beached verge of the salt flood;
  4. 1958, (w), The (w), translated by (w), Viking, 1958, Book III, "Cadmus," p. 63,

  5. Even now Jove shed the image of a bull,
    Confessed himself a god, and stepped ashore
    On the beached mountainside of Crete,
  6. (en-past of)

  7. run Run or brought ashore

  8. 1924, (w), Tamar in The Selected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers, Random House, 1937, p. 30,

  9. (..) Yet she glanced no thought
    At her own mermaid nakedness but gathering
    The long black serpents of beached seaweed wove
    Wreaths for old Jinny and crowned and wound her. (..)

    It is here, next to the beached ship of Odysseus, that the Achaeans of the Iliad hold their assemblies and perform their sacrifices.

  10. strand Stranded and helpless, especially on a beach

  11. a beached whale

  12. 1970, (w), (w), Penguin, 1973, Part Two, p. 103,

  13. There were some trampled-looking patches of cassava and taro and a beached, derelict car or two.
  14. 1978, (w), Nocturnes for the King of Naples, New York: St. Martin's Press, p. 109,

  15. Helene I found beached on the floor outside her room, awake and talking to herself but with no desire to press on toward bed.
  16. tin
