

  1. pankkiiri

Liittyvät sanat: investment bank



rahankäsittelijä, varojenkäsittelijä, pankkiiri, pelinhoitaja, rahoittaja, rahamies, pankkivirkailija, kassavirkailija, kassa, Rothschild.

Rimmaavat sanat

banker rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

banker (englanti > suomi)

  1. pankkiiri

  2. rahanvaihtaja

  3. pelinhoitaja, pankki

banker englanniksi

  1. One who conducts the business of banking; one who, individually, or as a member of a company, keeps an establishment for the deposit or loan of money, or for traffic in money, bills of exchange, etc.

  2. puhekieltä A money changer.

  3. The dealer, or one who keeps the bank in a gambling house.

  4. The stone bench on which a mason cuts or squares his work.

  5. (rfquotek)

  6. A vessel employed in the cod fishery on the banks of Newfoundland.

  7. puhekieltä A ditcher; a drain digger.

  8. 1941, (w), My Love Must Wait, A&R Classics 2013, p. 6:

  9. But this was no storm, the bankers could have told him. It was break of the year.
  10. puhekieltä A railway locomotive that can be attached to the rear of a train to assist it in climbing an incline.

  11. (plural indefinite of)

  12. (present tense of)

  13. English banker

  14. (inflection of).

  15. (inflection of)

  16. (sv-noun-form-indef-pl).
