

  1. hankala, vaivalloinen; kömpelö

  2. kiusallinen, vaivaantunut, nolo

  3. yhteys|BrE|k=en epäavulias; hankala, vastahakoinen


an awkward customer – hankala asiakas

awkward questions

This car is a bit awkward to drive.

awkward phrasing – kömpelö sanamuoto

an awkward silence

I always feel awkward with him.

Stop being so awkward and give me a hand, will you!



vaikea, hankala, hämmentävä, kiusallinen, nolo, piinallinen, huonosti valittu, avuton, kömpelö, epäkäytännöllinen, kyvytön, taitamaton, tökerö, painava, epämukava, raskasliikkeinen.

Rimmaavat sanat

awkward rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

awkward (englanti > suomi)

  1. kömpelö

  2. vaikea, hankala, kiusallinen

  3. tuskallinen, vastenmielinen, yököttävä, piinallinen

awkward englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä In a backwards direction.

  2. (RQ:Mlry MrtArthr1):

  3. Than groned the knyght for his grymme woundis, and gyrdis to Sir Gawayne and awkewarde hym strykes, and (..) kut thorow a vayne(nb..).
  4. Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments.

  5. (ux)

  6. Not easily managed or effectVerb effected; embarrassing.

  7. Lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction.

  8. perverse Perverse; adverse; difficult to handle.

  9. Someone or something that is awkward.

  10. (quote-book)|year=1912|oclc=2732890|passage=Another important branch of deportment was to seat the awkwards stiffly on the extreme edge of a chair, fold the hands on the very precarious lap, droop the eyes in a pensive way.

  11. (quote-book)|year=1998|isbn=978-0-00-255944-7|passage='What periods are you talking about?' / 'The monthly awkwards. Didn't the girls at Molyneux have them when you were managing director?' / The Rabbit leaned forward, sniffing the air in the immediate vicinity. 'Either you've been drinking or you've got some girl into trouble. Or am I being unfair to you and it's both?'

  12. (quote-book)|year=2014|page=76|isbn=978-1-4767-8800-5|passage=That is a way to make awkwards. And it's not fun to hang out with awkwards more than once.
