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Rimmaavat sanat

avoirdupois rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

avoirdupois englanniksi

  1. The official system of weights used in UK between 1856 and 1963. It had been the customary system in London since 1300.

  2. The official system of weights used in USA between 1866 and 1959.

  3. weight Weight; heaviness.

  4. he has a lot of avoirdupois

  5. 1915, Jack London, https://books.google.com/books?id=3WDsCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT21&dq=%22womanhandle%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAjgKahUKEwjC6OmkxKzHAhVSKogKHVy4AJov=onepage&q=%22womanhandle%22&f=false The Little Lady of the Big House

  6. It seems humanly reasonable that the three of us can woman-handle a mere man of your elderly and insulting avoirdupois.
