

  1. avustava, apu-



toissijainen, lisä-, täydennys-, täydentävä, kannustava, tukea antava, apu-, sivu-, ylimääräinen, avustava, kuuluva, liittyvä, aksessorinen, tuki-, auttaja, avustaja, apulainen, assistentti, apumies.

Rimmaavat sanat

auxiliary rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

auxiliary (englanti > suomi)

  1. apu-, lisä-, avustava

  2. apu|alt=apu-

  3. apu-, lisä-

  4. apumoottorillinen

  5. apu-

  6. avustaja

auxiliary englanniksi

  1. helping Helping; give giving assistance or support.

  2. auxiliary troops

  3. supplementary Supplementary or subsidiary.

  4. held Held in reserve for exceptional circumstances.

  5. puhekieltä Of a ship, having both sails and an engine.

  6. puhekieltä Relating to an auxiliary verb.

  7. A person or group that acts in an auxiliary manner.

  8. A sailing vessel equipped with an engine.

  9. puhekieltä An auxiliary verb.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. The three traditionally recognized Non-modal Auxiliaries are the per-
    fective Auxiliary have, the progressive Auxiliary be, and the passive Auxiliary
    be. Perfective have is so-called because it marks the completion (hence, perfec-
    ) of an action; it is followed by a VP headed by a perfective -n participle, as
    (121)    The referee has VP shown him the red card
  12. A marching band colorguard.
