

  1. assimiloida, sulauttaa

  2. rinnastaa, verrata

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Englannin sanakirja

assimilate (englanti > suomi)

  1. omaksua, sisäistää

  2. sulauttaa

  3. rinnastaa

assimilate englanniksi

  1. To incorporate nutrients into the body, especially after digestion.

  2. Food is assimilated and converted into organic tissue.

  3. Isaac Newton

  4. Hence also animals and vegetables may assimilate their nourishment.
  5. To incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind.

  6. The teacher paused in her lecture to allow the students to assimilate what she had said.

  7. Merivale

  8. His mind had no power to assimilate the lessons.
  9. To absorb a group of people into a community.

  10. The aliens in the science-fiction film wanted to assimilate human beings into their own race.

  11. To compare a thing to something similar.

  12. To bring to a likeness or to conformity; to cause a resemblance between.

  13. John Bright

  14. to assimilate our law to the law of Scotland
  15. Cowper

  16. Fast falls a fleecy shower; the downy flakes / Assimilate all objects.


  17. Something that is or has been assimilated.

  18. 2005, Ep Heuvelink, Tomatoes (ISBN 0851993966), page 65:

  19. At low light intensity, high temperature delays the first flower initiation, as assimilate supply is limiting and high temperature reduces the amount of assimilate available in the plant.
  20. 2012, A. Läuchli, R.L. Bieleski, Inorganic Plant Nutrition (ISBN 3642688853), page 83:

  21. the growing root and ectomycorrhizas both act as assimilate sinks
  22. (inflection of)
