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askance rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

askance (englanti > suomi)

  1. karsaasti

  2. sivuttain sideways, nurkkasilmällä obliquely

askance englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä With disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion.

  2. The beggar asked for change, but the haughty woman only looked at him askance.

  3. 1932w:Clark Ashton Smith|Clark Ashton Smith, s:The Maker of Gargoyles|The Maker of Gargoyles

  4. The scandal of opposition died down, and the stone-carver himself, though the town-folk continued to eye him askance, was able to secure other work through the favor of discriminating patrons.
  5. Gladstone

  6. Both (..) were viewed askance by authority.
  7. Landor

  8. My palfrey eyed them askance.
  9. sideways Sideways; obliquely.

  10. 1896w:H. G. Wells|H. G. Wells, s:The Island of Doctor Moreau|The Island of Doctor Moreau, chapter 8

  11. I glanced askance at this strange creature, and found him watching me with his queer, restless eyes.
  12. 1878w:Henry James|Henry James, s:The Europeans|The Europeans, chapter 1

  13. ...the head-stones in the grave-yard beneath seemed to be holding themselves askance to keep it out of their faces.
  14. turn Turned to the side, especially of the eyes.

  15. 1855w:Robert Browning|Robert Browning, s:"Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"|Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came

  16. My first thought was, he lied in every word,
    That hoary cripple, with malicious eye
    Askance to watch the working of his lie
