

  1. saapua

Liittyvät sanat: depart



tulla siirtolaisena johonkin maahan, muuttaa maahan, laskeutua, jättää, päästää ulos, ajaa, laskea, pudottaa, saada maahan, saapua, rantautua, nousta maihin, päästä perille, tulla, tulla perille.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

arrive (englanti > suomi)

  1. saapua, tulla perille

arrive englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To reach; to get to a certain place.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{quote-magazine|title=No hiding place

  4. puhekieltä To obtain a level of success or fame.

  5. 2002, Donald Cole, Immigrant City: Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1845-1921 (page 58)

  6. Evidence that the Irish had arrived socially was the abrupt decline in the number of newspaper articles accusing them of brawling and other crimes.
  7. (lbl) To come; said of time.

  8. The time has arrived for us to depart.

  9. (lbl) To happen or occur.

  10. Waller

  11. Happy! to whom this glorious death arrives.
  12. puhekieltä To reach; to come to.

  13. Milton

  14. Ere he arrive the happy isle.
  15. Shakespeare

  16. Ere we could arrive the point proposed.
  17. Tennyson

  18. Arrive at last the blessed goal.
  19. puhekieltä To bring to shore.

  20. Chapman

  21. and made the sea-trod ship arrive them
  22. (inflection of)
