

  1. raollaan, raolleen


Set the meringues in a warm oven with the door slightly 'ajar'.

: Pane marengit lämpimään uuniin ja jätä ovi hieman 'raolleen'.



avoin, avattu, avoinna, raollaan oleva, raollaan.

Rimmaavat sanat

ajar rimmaa näiden kanssa:

maar, cheddar, udar, agar, agar-agar, askar, mar, huhmar, piennar, ojanpiennar...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

ajar (englanti > suomi)

  1. raollaan

ajar englanniksi

  1. Slightly turned or opened.

  2. (ux)

  3. puhekieltä To turn or open slightly; to become ajar or to cause to become ajar; to be or to hang ajar.

  4. 1970, John H. Evans, Mercer County law journal, Volume 10,

  5. A plainclothes detective knocked on a slightly ajarred door.
  6. 1977, Bill Reed, Dogod,

  7. Yes, and the door also lops off stairs leading to a landing on whose landing is another door on whose hinges much of this story ajars, if it hasn't jarred too much already.
  8. 2007, Loki, Shard of the Ancient,

  9. Just as the gates fully ajarred themselves, the Lamborghini soared through them, and out into the freedom of the poorly defined road.
  10. puhekieltä Out of harmony.

  11. Being at variance or in contradiction to something.

  12. 1819, Lord Byron, Don Juan, II.14:

  13. There is a sort of unexpressed concern, / A kind of shock that sets one's heart ajar ....
  14. puhekieltä To show variance or contradiction with something; to be or cause to be askew.

  15. 1907, The English Illustrated Magazine, Volume 36,

  16. It clean deafened the two of us, and set all the crockery ware ajarring ; and when the neighbours heard it they came running into the street to see who was getting hurt.
  17. to teach

  18. puhekieltä to fade, wither
