

  1. ilmatiivis, hermeettinen

  2. pitävä, vedenpitävä



tiivis, ilmatiivis, kaasutiivis, hermeettinen, pitävä, kestävä.

Rimmaavat sanat

airtight rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

airtight (englanti > suomi)

  1. ilmatiivis, hermeettinen, kaasutiivis

  2. pitävä, vedenpitävä

airtight englanniksi

  1. Being impermeable to air or other gases.

  2. puhekieltä Having no weak points or flaws.

  3. We have an airtight argument they won’t be able to punch holes in.

  4. puhekieltä Highly reserved in some matter, particularly tight-lipped or tight-fisted.

  5. 1908, The Plumbers Trade Journal, Plumbers’ Trade Journal Publishing Company, volume 44:

  6. when Roger asked for $100 to take the preliminary steps to establish his claim, Mike yelled like a Hebrew auctioneer, for he was air-tight and squeezed a dollar until the woman on it yelled.
  7. 1915 April, Annals of Iowa, Historical Department of Iowa, series 3, volume 12, page 599:

  8. He was ‘air-tight,’ close-mouthed, and had but few confidants or intimate friends, but numerous acquaintances.
