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Englannin sanakirja

agley englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Wrong in the sense of awry, askew, amiss, or distorted.

  2. 1932, Rosewell Page, The Iliads of the South: an epic of the War Between the States, Garrett and Massie, p. 165:

  3. X tells of cavalry; of Sheridan, Hampton and Fitz Lee;
    Of Early’s Valley march, that Sheridan long held agley!
  4. (RQ:Wodehouse Offing)

  5. 2002, (w), The Fiery Cross, p. 29:

  6. We meant to sail from Charleston, but things went agley there, and so we’re bound for Portsmouth now, as fast as we can make speed.
  7. puhekieltä wrong Wrong; askew.

  8. 1983, (w), ‘The Great Bear Cult’, Canongate 2012 (Every Short Story 1951-2012), p. 57:

  9. But though the bear in the picture was a disguised man he appeared so naturally calm, so benignly strong, that beside him Pete looked comparatively shifty and agley.
  10. asquint; astray, off the straight

  11. 1785, (w), “(w)”:

  12. The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft agley
