

  1. kiintymys



tunne, kiintymys, mieltymys, hellyys, rakastavuus, heikkous, rakkaus, sydämellisyys, lämpö, lämminsydämisyys, filia, läheinen suhde, suojelevuus, kunnioitus, arvonanto, heikko kohta.

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affection (englanti > suomi)

  1. vaikuttaminen, liikuttaminen, vahingoittaminen

  2. liikutus, vahingoittuneisuus

  3. ominaisuus

  4. tunne, tuntemus, mielenliikutus

  5. mieltymys, kiintymys

  6. affektio, tauti, vaiva

affection englanniksi

  1. The act of affect affecting or acting upon.

  2. The state of being affected.

  3. An attribute; a quality or property; a condition

  4. An emotion; a feeling or natural impulse acting upon and swaying the mind

  5. (quote-magazine)

  6. 1905, Emanuel Swedenborg, translated by John C. Ager, Heaven and Hell Chapter 27

  7. It is known that each individual has a variety of affections, one affection when in joy, another when in grief, another when in sympathy and compassion, another when in sincerity and truth, another when in love and charity, another when in zeal or in anger, another when in simulation and deceit, another when in quest of honor and glory, and so on.
  8. A feeling of love or strong attachment.

  9. 1908, (w), Getting Married/Spurious "Natural" Affection

  10. What is more, they are protected from even such discomfort as the dislike of his prisoners may cause to a gaoler by the hypnotism of the convention that the natural relation between husband and wife and parent and child is one of intense affection, and that to feel any other sentiment towards a member of one's family is to be a monster.
  11. 1813, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice Chapter 61

  12. Mr. Bennet missed his second daughter exceedingly; his affection for her drew him oftener from home than anything else could do. He delighted in going to Pemberley, especially when he was least expected.
  13. puhekieltä Disease; morbid symptom; malady.

  14. Dunglison

  15. a pulmonary affection
  16. to feel an Noun affection, emotion or love for.

  17. English affection, love

  18. medical condition, complaint, disease
