

  1. savitiili



savitiili, tiili, tiiliskivi, tiilisavi, savi.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

adobe (englanti > suomi)

  1. savitiili

adobe englanniksi

  1. An unburnt brick dried in the sun.

  2. Many people in Texas and New Mexico live in adobe houses.

  3. 1903, O’Henry, Roads of Destiny

  4. “Find me a nice, clean adobe wall,” says he, “and send Senor Rompiro up against it.”
  5. 1904, O’Henry, Cabbages and Kings

  6. Stone sidewalks, little more than a ledge in width, ran along the base of the mean and monotonous adobe houses.
  7. (rfdat) Star Wars script

  8. The Jawas mutter gibberish as they busily line up their battered captives, including Artoo and Threepio, in front of the enormous Sandcrawler, which is parked beside a small homestead consisting of three large holes in the ground surrounded by several tall moisture vaporators and one small adobe block house.
  9. 26 May 2003, Roger Angell, in The New Yorker,

  10. The Sangre de Cristos came into view and the first soft-cornered adobe houses, and that night we ate at La Fonda with my Aunt Elsie, who worked for the Indian Bureau, and had Hopi snake dances and San Ildefonso pottery-makers and Mabel Dodge Luhan in store for us in the coming weeks.
  11. The earth from which such bricks are made.

  12. A house made of adobe brick.

  13. {{quote-journal|2007|March 11|Ralph Blumenthal|Prosecutor’s Ouster Shifts Political Order|New York Times|url=

  14. adobeEnglish adobe

  15. (ja-romanization of)

  16. (l) (gloss)

  17. puhekieltä (l)

  18. (es-verb form of)

  19. English adobe
