

  1. äänekkäät t. innokkaat suosionosoitukset tai äänekäs/innokas hyväksyntä

  2. huutoäänestys



suostuminen, suostumus, suositus, suosionhuuto, suosio, suosionosoitukset, hyväksyntä, huomio, maine, suuri menestys.

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Englannin sanakirja

acclamation englanniksi

  1. A shout of approbation, favor, or assent; eager expression of approval; loud applause.

  2. 1876, (w), (w), Chicago: S.C. Griggs & Co., p. 100, Article IX, Section 46, note,

  3. Sometimes a member nominates a chairman and no vote is taken, the assembly signifying their approval by acclamation.

    On such a day, a holiday having been voted by acclamation, an ordinary walk would not satisfy the children. -w:Robert Southey|Robert Southey.

  4. The process of electing a person to a post in the absence of other nominees.

  5. With no one running against her, she won by acclamation.

  6. puhekieltä A representation, in sculpture or on medals, of people expressing joy.

  7. Acclamation medals are those on which laudatory acclamations are recorded. - w:James Elmes|James Elmes

  8. puhekieltä An oral vote taken without formal ballot and with much fanfare; typically an overwhelmingly affirmative vote.

  9. (l)
