

  1. Terraario




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terra rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

terra englanniksi

  1. A rough upland or mountainous region of the moon with a relatively high albedo.

  2. earth

  3. land

  4. ground

  5. Earth

  6. (inflection of)

  7. soil, earth

  8. soil

  9. ground, dry land

  10. earth, soil, dirt

  11. Earth's surface (gloss)

  12. 29 (smallcaps), w:Vergil Vergil, w:Georgics Georgics, III

  13. (smallcaps)
    : So far does every species on earth of man and beast,
    whether the aquatic species, livestock, or painted-winged,
    collapse into the frenzies and the fire of sex.
  14. the world, the globe, earth as a celestial object

  15. a land, a region

  16. (smallcaps) 405, w:Jerome Jerome, w:Vulgate Vulgate w:Bible Bible, w:Daniel 1|Dan. 1:2

  17. (smallcaps)et asportavit ea in terram sennaar in domvm dei svi(..)
    : (..) which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god(..)
  18. (senseid) (l); (l); (l) (gloss)

  19. (ux)

  20. (senseid) (l) (gloss)

  21. (senseid) (l); (l) (gloss)

  22. (senseid) puhekieltä (l); (l); (l) (gloss)

  23. (senseid) (l); (l)

  24. (alternative case form of)

  25. (pt-verb-form-of)

  26. puhekieltä land, soil

  27. puhekieltä country, land

  28. puhekieltä the planet Earth
