

satayksi, CI.

Englannin sanakirja

101 (englanti > suomi)

  1. alkeet|p, alkeis-

101 englanniksi

  1. The number one hundred and one, which is one hundred plus one.

  2. puhekieltä basic Basic, beginner, starting from scratch.

  3. Geology 101 tells us that you cant build a reservoir on sandstone.''

  4. 2004, Daniel Dor, From Englishization to Imposed Multilingualism: Globalization, the Internet, and the Political Economy of the Linguistic Code (in Public Culture volume 16 issue 1)

  5. Companies sell directories, databases, reports, translation services, automatic translation software, and guidebooks for doing business away from home, which, in some cases, look much like simplified textbooks for Anthropology 101.
  6. An arbitrary large number. Used especially in book titles.

  7. 2009, Samela Harris and Brenda Maxwell, On a Shoestring, Recipes from the House of the Raising Sons, Wakefield Press, (ISBN), illustrated, revised, page vii:

  8. Instead of 101 ways to stuff a poussin, surely the readers needed 101 ways to embellish two-minute ramen noodles.
