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-wise rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

-wise englanniksi

  1. in the direction or orientation of

  2. The gaoler slowly turned the key clockwise.

  3. in the manner of

  4. in the matter of; with regard to

  5. This morning is promising weather-wise.

  6. puhekieltä state of, manner of, condition; direction

  7. rihtwise rihtwīse "righteousness, justice", from riht "just, right"

    cnihtwise cnihtwīse "boyishness", from cniht "boy, youth"

    cynewise cynewīse "commonwealth, state", from cyne "public, nation, kindred"

    leoþwise lēoþwīse "poetry, verse", from leoþ lēoþ "song, tune, poem"

    beagwise bēagwīse "sphere, circular form", from beag bēag "ring, hoop, circle"

  8. puhekieltä the custom or fashion of

  9. mynsterwise mynsterwīse "monastic custom", from mynster "minister"

    fierdwise fierdwīse, fyrdwise fyrdwīse "military style", from fierd, fyrd "militia"

  10. puhekieltä in the manner or fashion of; in the direction of

  11. hysewise hysewīse "like a young man", from hyse "son, youth"
