

  1. pilkku, tekstiä luettaessa monesti lyhyttä taukoa tai sivulauseen alkua ilmaiseva välimerkki

  2. desimaalierotin joissain kielissä (muun muassa suomessa)

  3. tuhaterotin joissain kielissä


Se maksoi 1','25 €.

It cost 1','250 $. (englantia)

: tarkoittaa: 'Se maksoi 1 250 $ (tuhatkaksisataaviisikymmentä dollaria).'

Englannin sanakirja

, englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss definition).

  2. She sells dogs, cats, and birds.

  3. (RQ:Harry Potter)

  4. Quando tiver uma dúvida, vá à biblioteca.
    : When you are in doubt, go to the library.

    The dull, incessant droning.

    Mr. Kershner says, "You should know how to use a comma."

    Feb. 14, 1987, was the target date.

    Austin, Texas

    Smith, John

    John Smith, PhD

    The cat was white; the dog, brown. (Here the comma replaces was.)

    I hope, John, that you will read this.

  5. (non-gloss definition)

  6. *{{quote-book

  7. Choose View, Screen Show, Edit Effect to provide transition effects such as Fade and Blinds.
  8. The w:Thousands separator|thousands separator used in some countries.

  9. I have 1,258 flags.

  10. The w:Decimal separator|decimal separator used in some countries.

  11. (ux)
