

  1. paino

  2. punnus

  3. yhteys|matematiikka|k=en paino, painokerroin

Liittyvät sanat: weighted sum



painava, raskas, kevyt, levytanko, käsipaino, paino, urheiluvälineet, vapaa paino, harjoituspaino, puntti.

Rimmaavat sanat

weight rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

weight (englanti > suomi)

  1. paino

  2. punnus

  3. painoarvo, merkitys

  4. painokerroin, paino

  5. paksuus

  6. peitto, peittävyys

  7. lisätä paino|alt=painoa

  8. kuormittaa, raskauttaa

  9. painottaa

  10. lisätä paino

weight englanniksi

  1. The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and the Earth (or whatever astronomical object it is primarily influenced by).

  2. An object used to make something heavier.

  3. A standardized block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object.

  4. importance Importance or influence.

  5. {{quote-book|year=1897|author=w:Winston Churchill (novelist)|Winston Churchill

  6. 1907 Alonso de Espinosa, Hakluyt Society & Sir Clements Robert Markham, The Guanches of Tenerife: the holy image of Our Lady of Candelaria, and the Spanish conquest and settlement, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, p116

  7. Another knight came to settle on the island, a man of much weight and position, on whom the Adelantados of all the island relied, and who was made a magistrate.
  8. 1945 Mikia Pezas, The price of liberty, I. Washburn, Inc., p11

  9. "You surely are a man of some weight around here," I said.
  10. puhekieltä A disc of iron, dumbbell, or barbell used for training the muscles.

  11. (ux)

  12. puhekieltä mass Mass (net weight, atomic weight, molecular weight, troy weight, carat weight, etc.).

  13. puhekieltä A variable which multiplies a value for ease of statistical manipulation.

  14. puhekieltä The smallest cardinality of a base.

  15. puhekieltä The boldness of a font; the relative thickness of its strokes.

  16. puhekieltä The relative thickness of a drawn rule or painted brushstroke, line weight.

  17. puhekieltä The illusion of mass.

  18. puhekieltä The thickness and opacity of paint.

  19. pressure Pressure; burden.

  20. Shakespeare

  21. The weight of this sad time.
  22. Milton

  23. For the public all this weight he bears.
  24. The resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to the power which moves it.

  25. puhekieltä Shipments of (often illegal) drugs.

  26. He was pushing weight.

  27. puhekieltä To add weight to something; to make something heavier.

  28. puhekieltä To load (fabrics) with barite, etc. to increase the weight.

  29. puhekieltä To load, burden or oppress someone.

  30. puhekieltä To assign weights to individual statistics.

  31. puhekieltä To bias something; to slant.

  32. puhekieltä To handicap a horse with a specified weight.
