

  1. taata, varmistaa

  2. rak|en|for takuuseen jstak



vahvistaa, vakuuttaa, lujittaa, varmentaa, näyttää toteen, todentaa, tukea, haastaa, kutsua oikeuteen todistajaksi, luvata, taata, mennä takuuseen, vapauttaa jku takuita vastaan, turvata, varmistaa, suojata.

Liittyvät sanat: voucher.

Rimmaavat sanat

vouch rimmaa näiden kanssa:

high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vouch englanniksi

  1. To take responsibility for; to express confidence in; to witness; to obtest.

  2. To warrant; to maintain by affirmations; to attest; to affirm; to avouch.

  3. Atterbury

  4. They made him ashamed to vouch the truth of the relation, and afterwards to credit it.

    I can vouch that the match took place.

  5. Shelley Mary

  6. The tears that suffused my sister's eyes when I mentioned our friend, and her heightened colour seemed to vouch for the truth of the reports that had reached me.
  7. To back; to support; to confirm.

  8. Milton

  9. Me damp horror chilled / At such bold words vouched with a deed so bold.
  10. To call into court to warrant and defend, or to make good a warranty of title.

  11. Blackstone

  12. He vouches the tenant in tail, who vouches over the common vouchee.
  13. puhekieltä To call; to summon.

  14. Sir T. Elyot

  15. They vouch (as I might say) to their aid the authority of the writers.
  16. To bear witness; to give testimony or full attestation.

  17. Jonathan Swift

  18. He will not believe her until the elector of Hanover shall vouch for the truth of what she has (..) affirmed.
  19. To call as a witness.

  20. Dryden

  21. Vouch the silent stars and conscious moon.
  22. To assert; to aver; to declare.

  23. (rfquotek)

  24. warrant Warrant; attestation.
