

  1. vikellys



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vaulting (englanti > suomi)

  1. holvaus

  2. vikellys

vaulting englanniksi

  1. The practice of constructing vaults, or a particular method of such construction.

  2. A vaulted structure; such structures treated as a group.

  3. 1928, (w), The Station: Travels to the Holy Mountain of Greece, Chapter 16,

  4. Spreading over the high vaultings and walls, the traditional scenes from the life of Christ are depicted on an immense scale.
  5. The sport of gymnastics and dance routines performed on horseback, and on the longe line.

  6. (present participle of)

  7. leaning Leaning upward or over

  8. exaggerated Exaggerated or overreaching

  9. performing
