

  1. tietämätön, epätietoinen



nukuksissa oleva, nukuksissa, unessa, tietämätön, tahaton, tajuton, tiedoton, tietoisuus, valveutuneisuus, tieto, tuntemus, ymmärtämys, taju, tajunta.

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Englannin sanakirja

unaware (englanti > suomi)

  1. tietämätön

unaware englanniksi

  1. Not aware or informed; lacking knowledge.

  2. Im unaware of the answer to that question.''

    Luckily, she was unaware that Id spent the last five years in prison.''

  3. 1989, https://books.google.com/books?id=tFhRAQAAIAAJ&q=%22more+unaware%22&dq=%22more+unaware%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqpZjnoefOAhVBzmMKHYFhA1wQ6AEINDAF Journal of contemporary psychotherapy, Volume 19

  4. The more unaware the self is of other selves, that is, the more complete the splits, the greater the degree of schizoid pathology.
  5. Not noticing; paying no heed; thoughtless; inattentive.

  6. Jonathan Swift

  7. Or on the mat devoutly kneeling,
    Would lift her eyes up to the ceiling,
    And heave her bosom unaware
    For neighbouring beaux to see it bare.
