

  1. (anatomia) kudos

  2. (kasvitiede) solukko, kudos

  3. hienokudoksinen kangas, silkkiharso

  4. (paperituote) pehmopaperi

  5. (paperituote) kasvopaperi, kasvopyyhe; paperiliina, paperinenäliina; läpilyöntipaperi

  6. (kuvaannollinen) verkko

Liittyvät sanat: tissue paper, toilet tissue, wrapping tissue



eliö, olento, ruumiinosa, sola, kudos, eläinkudos, savukepaperi, sätkäpaperi, silkkipaperi, paperiliina.

Rimmaavat sanat

tissue rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tissue (englanti > suomi)

  1. harsokangas, harsokudos

  2. silkkiharso

  3. talouspaperi, paperiliina, handkerchief paperinenäliina, sheet of toilet paper vessapaperiarkki

  4. pehmopaperi

  5. kudos, solukko

tissue englanniksi

  1. Thin, woven, gauze-like fabric.

  2. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  3. A fine transparent silk material, used for veils, etc.; specifically, cloth interwoven with gold or silver threads, or embossed with figures.

  4. Dryden

  5. a robe of tissue, stiff with golden wire
  6. Milton

  7. In their glittering tissues bear emblazed / Holy memorials.
  8. A sheet of absorbent paper, especially one that is made to be used as tissue paper, toilet paper or a handkerchief.

  9. Absorbent paper as material.

  10. puhekieltä A group of similar cells that function together to do a specific job.

  11. 2014, Robert K. Bolger, Scott Korb, "https://books.google.com/books?id=_AKKAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA104&dq=tissue+foster+wallace&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAWoVChMI9tLj8vOqxwIVl0GICh2OVwiBv=onepage&q=tissue%20foster%20wallace&f=false Gesturing Toward Reality: David Foster Wallace and Philosophy

  12. "What they lack is outermost brain tissue that, at least in humans, prompts awareness and interpretation."
  13. Web; texture; complicated fabrication; connected series.

  14. a tissue of forgeries, or of lies

  15. A. J. Balfour

  16. unwilling to leave the dry bones of Agnosticism wholly unclothed with any living tissue of religious emotion
  17. To form tissue of; to interweave.

  18. Covered with cloth of gold tissued upon blue. — Francis Bacon.
